Weekly Analysis – Issue Number 152 (January 23-30, 2016)


In this issue:

  • Preface

The PUGWASH Conference and Taliban’s Tendency to initiate Peace Talks

  • PUGWASH Conferences on Afghanistan
  • The Latest PUGWASH Conference
  • Taliban’s Preconditions for peace talks
  • Flexibility in Taliban’s position
  • Reaction of the Afghan government
  • The PUGWASH Conference and the Quadrilateral Meetings
  • The Way Forward

Afghanistan: The Second Corrupt Country

  • A look into corruption in Afghanistan
  • Transparency International’s reports on corruption
  • The government’s response to TI Corruption Report
  • The Uncoordinated anti-Corruption Strategy


Weekly Analysis-152

Weekly Analysis – Issue Number 152 (January 23-30, 2016)

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