International day of persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is celebrated on 3rd December every year since 1992. The day aims to support laws, rights and well-being of disabled people. In addition, it seeks to increase awareness of gains and inclusion of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. The United Nations presents a theme for the IDPD every year, under which, all operations related to support of disabled people are carried out. The theme this year is “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”, which is inspired UN’s agenda of sustainable development 2015-2030.[1]

Condition of Persons with Disability in Afghanistan

Disabled or handicapped people are those who have a condition that restrict their ability to function physically and mentally (come about before or after birth), making them incapable to arrange necessities of life for themselves.  It is estimated that around 500 million people experience some form of disability[2].

On 23rd January, 2020, the International Committee of Red cross (ICRC)P of Afghanistan announced that more than one million people suffer from disability in Afghanistan and thousands more are added to the number each year. A bulletin of the United Nations has stated that 10% of disabilities in Afghanistan are caused by injuries of war, while the remaining 90% are the result of birth defect, and post-birth diseases and occurrences. Recently, the number of disabilities caused by wounds of war have elevated remarkably. In 2019, Dr. Ferozuddin Feroz, former minister of Public Health declared that level of disabilities has increased in the country, and 3% to 5% people of Afghanistan are suffering from some type of disability. He added that war, diseases, accidents and birth defects are the main the main causes of disabilities in Afghanistan[3].

Disability affects individuals and families socially, economically, and mentally. The ICRC works along with the government and other establishments in order to reduce effects of disability on the lives of people in the country. It is among the largest organizations of the world serving to trigger rise in living standards of disabled people in Afghanistan and other countries. The organization provides more than 100 thousand disabled people with various equipment every year.

The Independent commission of Human rights and Independent Administrative Reforms and Civil Service Commission has developed new procedures for recruiting persons with disability, as at least 3% of the public servants should be persons with disability, according to the Constitution of Afghanistan[4]. Unfortunately, governmental bodies are rarely willing to hire disabled people. Despite the fact that discrimination of any sort is prohibited by the constitution, but discrimination towards persons with disability exists in most of the governmental and private establishments, either deliberately or inadvertently. One of the main problems of people with disability is absence of educational opportunities. Negligence of relative governmental bodies has made them incompetent of occupying positions, consequently, pulling them back from competing with others.

Challenges and Obstacles

The following are among the challenges for disabled people in the country:

  • Problem of Movement and transportation: it is one of the main challenges for disabled people, as they move or get transported for one part of city to another with difficulty. The public transport does not provide essential help for them, while cost of private transporting vehicles i.e. Taxis and others is higher than what they can afford.
  • Unemployment: according to the constitution of Afghanistan, at least 3% of employees of the government should be disabled people. However, the law has not been implemented due to discrimination, corruption, lack of awareness in society.
  • Conduct of society: cuased by some poor traditions of society when it comes to dealing with people with disability, disabled people shows lesser vitality in society. Lack of attention of the government and the people has destroyed their self-confidence and is holding them back from developing their skills.
  • Rising number of baggers is another problem among the persons with disability. Due to indigence, their own interest, or via premeditated planning of mafias, most of the disabled people keep begging. As a result, it has reduced their respect and dignity in the society and are therefore considered as burden on shoulders of society.
  • In addition, persons with disability are facing financial difficulties and absence of a source of income. Most of them are deprived from education and opportunities of capacity and personality development. Although the State Ministry of martyrs and disabled affairs serves disabled people by providing them with a stipend amount, but that too is for those who have been disabled due to war. It does not include maternal and incidental disabilities.
  • Lack of access to educational institutions and deprivation from scholarship opportunities are other problems facing persons with disabilities. According to article 43 of the constitution of Afghanistan, attaining at least bachelor degree is the right of every citizen. In addition, article 19 of the law of rights and opportunities for disables has predicted that 7% of participants of government scholarships and 7% of students of private institutions should be disabled people. However, they have been provided with very little of the percentage due to various undesirable reasons.[5]
  • Lastly, women in girls with disability are living comparatively more challenging lives. Being women and disables doubles their challenges in society.

Recommended Solutions:

In order to reduce challenges for person with disabilities, a lot of work and longstanding support of the government and cooperation of the people is required. The following can be considered as basic points in this regard:

  1. Public Awareness

Problems and challenges being faced by disabled can be reduced with public awareness and acculturation. To do so, the media should play a key role by consistently sharing awareness messages in order to increase awareness and improve public’s conduct towards persons with disability. Additionally, schools and mosques can also play a constructive role in this regard.

  1. Government’s Support

The Afghan government should increase the stipend amount allocated for disabled people. In addition, the government should be able to provide financial assistance for war-affected and all other type of persons with disability in long-run. Disabled people should also be provided with discount cards, facilitated transportation, education and other needs for living. They should be assured of their legal rights of employment and scholarship opportunities.

  1. Capacity Development

Opportunities of skills development for disabled people should be provided by considering all of their relative activities. In this regard, various trainings and educational programs should be conducted, which should include elaboration through pictures and sign language. In addition, sports centers should be established for physical training of disabled people.

  1. Establishing Peaceful Environment in the Country

The war has affected all people of our country. However, it has comparatively higher impact on persons with disability. Persistence of war and insecurities will not only increase the number of disabled people, but will cease opportunities to support disabled people to attain their rights. As long as there is war in the country, improvement in the lives of people with disabilities cannot be expected. Therefore, end of war and national reconciliation is the key for all types of development and prosperity for the people of Afghanistan.







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