The Intra – Afghan Dialogue and Challenges Ahead

After 18 months’ negotiation, the US and the Taliban finally signed the peace deal on Saturday, 10th Hoot, 1398 in Doha, Qatar. The agreement was signed in presence of representatives from 30 countries between Zalmai Khalilzad, special representative of US for peace and Mulla Abdul Ghani Beradar, head of the Taliban’s office in Qatar.

Under the terms of the deal, foreign forces will withdraw from Afghanistan within 14 months and it will be guaranteed that the Afghan soil will not be used against the security of the United States and its allies. Both sides agreed on a lasting ceasefire and release of 5000 prisoners of the Taliban by the Afghan government and 1000 prisoners of Afghan government by the Taliban. In addition, Intra-Afghan negotiation will commence in less than two weeks in Norway. With closing the peace deal between the US and the Taliban, an important part of the peace process was accomplished and the intra-Afghan dialogue, which will be discussed in this analysis, is expected to inaugurate very soon.

Formation of the negotiating delegation

As the peace deal was signed between the US and the Taliban, The Afghan government and political parties have not been able to form a delegation to negotiate on behalf of the Afghans and disagreements can still be discerned regarding its formation. Although many plans have been signified to articulate the structure of the intra-Afghan talks, but none have attained utter consensus of all sides. Apparently, a plan establishing a representative board, preferably to be called as “National peace counsel”, can be relatively more realistic strategy to resolve the disagreements. Out of the National peace council, which may include 80-100 members from all groups and parties, a reliable delegation of 10-12 members can be selected, who can carry out the negotiations with the assistance of the national peace counsel. This will not only lead to harmony and political consensus among the political groups and figures, but it will also be able to enter the negotiations with the Taliban as a government-inclusive unit of negotiators. Consequently, the delegation will be not only all-inclusive, but will be small and effective. The strategy will only be effective if a team of advising specialists assist the negotiating delegation and share their experience and advice throughout the process. (1)

It is being said that Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan has proposed formation of a delegation of 8 members with limited authority to carry out the intra-Afghan negotiations. Also, a government body under the name of “high council of reconciliation” will be established to make big decision for the peace talks (2).

Need for Purposiveness and solemnity during negotiations

Afghanistan is being devastated in the flames of war since four decades. The war has hugely affected the physical and nonphysical resources of the country. Deaths, wounds, refuges, drug addictions and others are the outcomes of war. Dozens from both sides and the public are being killed and injured every day and the economy is moving downwards day to day. As a decent opportunity has been created to end the war and establish a lasting peace, therefore, it needs to be utilized so that the destructions being caused by war can come to an end and peace and security can be cherished in the country.

Although efforts were made to end the war and bring peace to Afghanistan, but the upcoming intra-Afghan talks are exceptional due to two reasons. First, there is a national, regional and international consensus regarding intra-Afghan peace negotiations. Secondly, all involved sides in the issue of Afghan peace are included in the discussions. The Intra-Afghan dialogue is the only harmoniously accepted method to reach an agreement regarding the formation of the government, amendment of the constitution, distribution of power.

The objective of intra-Afghan talks is to end the war and bloodshed is the country. Therefore, the first goal of both sides should be trust building and reduction in violence, which will consequently lead to a lasting ceasefire. Conversely, imperious and avaricious behaviors, which have been witnessed by the nation during the last four decades, will only cause continuity of war and sufferings.

Subsequently, all necessary issues such as preparation for reformation, protection and empowerment of national establishments, amendment of the constitution, limits of freedom of the people and others should be categorized and prioritized and should be discussed with utter tolerance and patience. Discussions over all issues may take more than months. However, prolonged discussions should not lead to apathy and discontinuity of talks. Intra-Afghan dialogue should continue until a comprehensive agreement is prepared and signed between both sides.

Challenges facing the Intra-Afghan dialogue

After the peace deal between the US and the Taliban, prisoner release issue has become an obstacle for the intra-Afghan talks. Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, member of negotiating delegation of the Taliban has said that based on the peace agreement, the US is obliged to release five thousand prisoners of the Taliban, in exchange for one thousand prisoners of the Afghan government. The Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani reacted to this matter and said, “Prisoner release issue is not within the authorities of the United States and will be discussed during the intra-Afghan dialogue”.

These statements are disclosed as the Taliban still do not officially recognize the Afghan government and are not ready to discuss the conflict issues with the government (3)

On the other hand, it has been eighteen months since the US-Taliban negotiation have commenced. However, the government and its related bodies have not been able to establish national peace council, so that a delegation can be introduced for peace talks. In addition, dispersion and dissension between the government and political parties and politicians is another challenge toward intra-Afghan peace talks.

Despite local national, regional and international consensus over peace, there still are elements that consider peace against their interest, thus, create obstacles for it. Such groups and bodies will certainly strive to find ways in order to sabotage the intra-Afghan dialogue.

As proven with previous experiences, power is still something that Afghan officials are keen to hold on to. Therefore, thirst for power can be reflected as a direct challenge for the Intra-Afghan talks. Considering the lobbying attempts by the officials and politicians, it can be perceived that power is prioritizing over peace.

Conversion of peace efforts into national, regional and international competition can be perceived as another great challenge for Intra-Afghan dialogue. As conflicts of interest exist on national, regional and international level, and interests will be preferred over peace, therefore, supporters of the peace process and the negotiating team should be sensitive and wise while making decisions.

Lake of flexibility and humility among both sides is another key challenge for the Intra-Afghan dialogue. In this regard, both sides need to be patient and tolerant. They need to work on strategy that can be accepted by all. Most importantly, the signed agreement between the US and expected agreement between the Taliban and the national side should be deliberately executed.


After forty years of war, a golden opportunity has been provided for bringing peace to our country. Regional and International consensus about peace has occurred and all internal groups and bodies believe that negotiation is the only resolution for the problem.

Presently, it is up to the Afghans to wisely utilize the opportunity, so that any chance for continuity of war can eliminated. Even if the war continues for some more years, both side will consequently sit around the table and resolve the issue through negotiations. Therefore, the current opportunity should not be wasted and the interval of war and destruction should be shortened.


  1. Strategy of Jamiat-e-Eslah for a comprehensive peace (31st Sanbula, 1398, Kabul, Afghanistan).
  2. Salam Watandar (تشکیل هیأت مذاکره کننده در گرو خوف و رجا)
  3. Tolo News
The Intra – Afghan Dialogue and Challenges Ahead

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