Peace; Need of Afghans and a Bolstering Hope

Peace is presently the top necessity and priority of Afghans and they have been waiting to cherish a lasting peace since decades. On 29th February, 2020, The Taliban and the US signed the peace deal which was a moment of immense pleasure for the Afghan nation. As the rumors of bringing peace to Afghanistan are on the verge, The Afghan nation, via conducting gatherings and assemblies, requests the involved sides to shorten their wait for peace and support them to bring peace in Afghanistan. The expectations of peace have tarnished the results of presidential elections enough that even the foreigners issue statements regarding peace, instead of articulating about the results of presidential elections. So how close we are to cherish peace in Afghanistan? Who creates obstacles for peace? And will the Afghans witness the dawn of a true and lasting peace? Answers to these and similar questions will be explored in this analysis.

Massive gatherings at the capital and provinces

People rallied at the capital and provinces before and after the peace deal between the Taliban and the US, aiming to pave road towards comprehensive peace and reduction in violence. On 25th February, 2020, a mass gathering was conducted in Kabul, where representatives of political parties and public figures were also among the participants. They made a strong appeal to the involved sides to maintain the truce and sustain reduction in violence. The agreement for bringing peace in Afghanistan was signed on 29th February, 2020 and both sides promised to show their commitment to the agreements of the deal. The massive gathering in Kabul has revealed that the Afghans not only welcomes the intra-Afghan talks after the US-Taliban peace deal, but they are completely prepared.

During the gathering, Mr. Said Eshaq Gailani, an Afghan politician called upon the Afghan leaders to maintain utter tolerance in order to be able to effectively lead the Afghan nation towards peace.

 In addition, Mawlawi Enayatullah Baleegh, the chairman of Majlas-e-Tanseeq-e-Ulama not only expressed his complete support from the peace negotiations, but considered peace as a vital necessity for the nation.

Dr. Abdul Saboor Fakhri, Director of Jamiat-e-Eslah Afghanistan said that Afghans want an all-inclusive peace. He expressed that presence of foreign forces is the main cause of destruction in Afghanistan and bringing peace is a religious and humanistic obligation of all.

Likewise, Mr.Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal, former ambassador and special representative of Afghanistan in Pakistan was hopeful for peace and expressed regarding appointment of a delegation and said “As there is consensus for bringing peace in our country, therefore a special delegation is important to be appointed in order to benefit from the available opportunity”. On behalf of Hezbe Islami, Mr. Hafiz Ur Rahman Naqi stated that nobody should have the right to shiver the peace talks and all parties are required to participate in the peace process.

The statements from political and public figures indicate that if the main sides of the war (the US and the Taliban) bind to their promises, the upcoming process of Intra-Afghan negotiations will not face any challenges since political parties and public figures have better consensus compared to the past. Besides Kabul’s Gathering, rallies were out in Kunar, Nangarhar and Northern provinces to support the peace process.

Need of the Nation to the Peace

While the peace negotiations were at their last stages between the US and the Taliban and both sides even reached to an agreement on one weak partial truce for reduction in violence, hostility was increasing between the two leading candidates; Dr. Ashraf Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah.  When the stability and convergence team started appointing governors and the state builders (Dawlat Saz) team was planning to conduct swearing-in ceremony on 8th Hoot, 1398, the public was facing an indefinite future.

Among the candidates of the last presidential elections, some rejected the results of the elections and requested backing the peace process. The leading candidates however, who were busy preparing for swearing-in ceremonies and appointing governors, did not contemplate the demands of political figures. Later, Hamid Karzai, former president of Afghanistan and Abdul Rab Rasool Sayaf, former Jihadi leader even conducted meetings with the leading candidates. And in order to avoid complications for the peace process, the former president presented the idea of Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, continuing his work as the president until the peace agreement is signed. Yet, they did not receive any positive response.

Conversely, when the US department of state requested President Ashraf Ghani to postpone the swearing-in ceremony, the response was affirmative. Although postponement of the oath ceremony can be considered a courageous act, but the courage of the postponement would have been strategic and beneficial if shown towards the same request presented by political figures. This is because his would have reinforced Ashraf Ghani’s influence and position for Intra-Afghans talks, which are anticipated to commence on 10th March, 2020.

Dawn of a true peace

Considering the recent comprehensive changes, a consensus regarding the Afghan peace has occurred on regional and international level and the process is strongly backed by the Afghan nation and political figures. A peace gathering on 6th Hoot in Kabul, where the participants expressed their pleasure for the recent improvements in peace process and hoped for conversion of reduction in violence into a comprehensive ceasefire, demonstrates a decent example of the consensus among Afghans regarding peace. In addition, participants of the gathering expressed that they will not allow the Afghan land to be used against others.

A lasting peace in Afghanistan mostly depends on proper implementation of the articles of the peace deal. Hopefully, both sides stay committed to the agreement and truly make efforts to implement its content.


Presently, harmony among Afghan politicians and support to the peace deal in Qatar is comparatively more significant for bringing peace in Afghanistan. Afghan Politicians need to spend their entire energy to bring an everlasting peace to Afghanistan and avoid any political conflicts. The successful accomplishment of reduction in violence process has strengthened the hopes for peace. Therefore, any declarations that may jeopardize the peace process should be strictly avoided, so that Afghans can cherish peace and live their lives in a peaceful environment. Peace in Afghanistan can quicken development of the countries in region, which is currently sacked due to insecurities and war.

Although president Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has given up his conditions for reduction in violence by the Taliban, but the government needs to appoint an all-inclusive delegation for the intra-Afghan talks and along with the representatives of political parties, needs to have representatives from the public.

Peace; Need of Afghans and a Bolstering Hope

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