Retirement System; Problems and Solutions

For the past few years, government officials have made various commitments to retirees and stakeholders regarding pension facilities. For example, the pension system highlights transparency, speeding up work, preventing corruption, and a number of other aspects, but it still appears that retirees and / or their heritage face a number of problems. On the other hand, the President also enforced the pension regulation of pensioners employed by NGOs by issuing a special decree. Is there a real problem with the pension system or not? To what extent are claims of retirees and their heritage true? And to what extent is the private sector Retirement regulation going to be implemented? In this analysis we analyze.

Retirement System in Afghanistan

Under the Labor Law in Afghanistan, those who are officially employed with the government, who are 65 years of age or have worked with the government for more than 40 years, are eligible to apply for Retirement law. In addition, chronic illness, death, and disability are situations in which government employees or their heritage can benefit from retirement privileges. In some cases, if one wishes to retire voluntarily, it is necessary to complete 55 years of service while working with the government for 25 years. A fixed percentage of the monthly salary and wages of the civil service workers is deducted and each relevant agency then transfers the specified percentage of its employees to the Retirement treasury account. Retirement rights in their own right and in the absence of a legacy to their first husband or wife, and a daughter who is not married at the time of their absence, a son who is eighteen years of age. Failure to complete or be educated or paid for persons with chronic illness or disability, or family members serving in the military service, respectively. January 30 is named by the government as National Day of Retirement.

Retirement System Problems

In previous years, the retirement treasury did not have a special fund to protect and pay for the retirement and rights of the retirees, while much of the country’s budget is still dependent on foreign aid and it is difficult for the government. Give retirement rights to the national budget, But recently it is said that a public pension fund was created that should have been done years ago because the absence of a retirees fund also delayed the retirement rights, and the government was giving retirement rights to the national budget. And it continues to do so. While the exact numbers and figures of retirees also became questionable by government officials themselves, the government could not budget the numbers based on the numbers of retirees. It has thus led to problems. For example, in accordance with the President’s 354 decree and order, a joint delegation of representatives from the General Directorate of National Security, the Administrative Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the President of the Republic was formed to provide work, social affairs, martyrs and The General Directorate of Pension Treasury, concerned with the Ministry of Disabled, evaluates activities from 2013 to 2018. A recent report from the memorandum showed that there was a significant upward trend in the figures of these years. For example, the number of registered retirement was 74,127 in 2013 and 69695 recorded a year later, in 2014, showing a decline and perhaps the reason for the presence of hypothetical mutants and the implementation of a weak system, Was in Accordingly, the retirement Treasury Department has made timely comments on the bio metrication of all retirees, although a number of things have been done in this regard. But the contribution of $ 12.3 million to the strengthening of the pension system by foreign aid agencies, especially the World Bank, and the funds needed to ensure that the pension system was not effectively strengthened. The eyes are gone; SIGAR or the US Agency for Afghanistan’s Reconciliation Report in November 2019 stated that only 85 percent of the respondents registered with the biometric system, while the biometric process has begun in 2017. But on the other hand, it is said that in 2018, about 36,000 retirees registered with the pension treasury did not appear on the biometric system. It is necessary to create a comprehensive delegation to identify and identify them and conduct research on which basis they are not present in the system? If fictitious retirees live in the light of the law, they should be taken away from the rights of those retirees who for years have called on the brothers of their respective agencies to take up their retirement rights, and have long waited because of the lack of money Were fired.

How to Strengthen the Retirement System?

Creating facilities for retirees should not only be about making promises, but also realizing the commitments made in a real way. The rights and responsibilities of retirees transferred to the state treasury bonds should be monitored periodically to ensure that retirees are paid on time. Because most of the time, the pension treasure tells retirees that their money has gone to bank accounts but not paid to them by banks. Since the Ministry of Finance has only agreements with Maiwand Bank and Islamic Bank to pay for the mutual contributions, the Ministry of Finance must also sign agreements with other banks whose branches are available in most parts of the country. Retirement treasury should hire people who have relevant and professional education and are familiar with modern technology, as it can help clients get things done faster. Terminating appointments in the name of superintendents can also be effective in bringing in retirement facilities, as patrons are unable to make necessary reforms in the required areas. Money is transferred to retired bank accounts through Afghanistan Bank, but it is seen that private banks do not pay their money back to retirees. But Afghanistan Bank, which has the responsibility of overseeing all banks, has shown that the monitoring of the retired bank accounts is the work of the Finance Ministry as they have signed agreements with private banks. Coordination between ministries and related agencies can be effective for retirees, According to the President’s decree only the National Statistics and Information Agency can biometric the functioning of all government, private and international agencies. Therefore, it is necessary that the agency announce its deadline for the biometrics of all staff and take this necessary responsibility as soon as possible. Because it can reveal the exact number of retirees, imaginary retirees and prevent corruption. Pension Treasury wants to transfer the contributions and contributions of the pension to the pension fund according to the 2020 plan, strict monitoring should be taken to prevent any fraud. The retirement Treasury, on the other hand, is planning to set up a pension system for non-government and private sector workers by 2020. While there has been talk about the retirement work being done in this area a few years ago, there should have been work on building the system from the very beginning. Because the lack of a pension system for private sector workers can create problems. Since the pension treasury has been officially transferred from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to the Ministry of Finance, it is imperative that the Ministry of Finance set up a system for the private sector so that it does not hinder the development of the private sector. On the other hand, the privileges of the general public do not appear to be greatly reduced. While the pension treasury reports the registration of about 154,000 retirees across the country, the government plans to biometric all retirees every three years. And before the bio metrication, the presence of electronic IDs with their relatives and / or their heritage is deemed necessary whereas the distribution of electronic IDs is also delayed due to poor prospects. In order to facilitate the retirement of electronic ID cards, it is important to have special days for retirees only a few days a week, or to create special windows and departments for them. To do the work needed. Since a number of retirees live in remote provinces and the distribution of electronic identity cards has not yet begun they are required to come to the capital to receive electronic ID cards. The government should also take stringent steps to provide basic facilities to them, so that retirement work is done on time and well.

Retirement System; Problems and Solutions

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