40-Year Anniversary of Soviet invasion of  Afghanistan

December 27 this year marks the 40th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Just 40 years ago today, Red Army soldiers, armed with deadly weapons, arrived in Afghanistan via the port of Hiratan. However, a number of Soviet military units had previously flown to Bagram Airfield by air and moved to sensitive locations. The main reason for the attack was the suppression of popular resistance against the Moscow-based regime in most provinces. But there were other reasons that led Soviet troops to Afghanistan. The fire that was lit four decades ago by the Democratic People’s Party and their internationalist friends in our country is still ringing, and dozens of people are dying every day. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is one of the darkest moments in our country’s contemporary history. In this analysis, the rape and its underlying causes are discussed.

Invasion & Resistance

As the new generation of Russian leaders admits, the invasion of Afghanistan is one of the great mistakes of the Kremlin in its foreign policy in the 1980s. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, apparently under the pretext of asking for help from government officials of the time, but in practice, the constituent factions of the people, both the people and the flag, are trying to shield themselves from the burden of this historic crime. One day after the attack, Babrak Karmal, the leader of the People’s Democratic Party’s flag faction, made a brief statement via Tashkent radio, announcing the fall of the Hafizullah Amin Brotherhood’s ruling wing in Afghanistan. From that time on, the Mujahideen of Afghanistan relied on Allah Almighty to fight against the most powerful army on earth at that time. On the first day of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Communist President Hafizullah Amin was killed after killing the genius of the East and his master, Noor Mohammad Taraki, over the power of Kabul, while destroying a sumptuous party of government and party leaders. He was with the ladies in the luxurious Taj Big Palace. According to reports, Hafizullah Amin was first poisoned by her Russian chef and later destroyed by Soviet commandos. And later his protection knife, numbering hundreds, was defeated by Russian commandos. Babrak karmel boarded the Russian tank and, instead, secured the power. Thus, during an organized coup, power is transferred from the People’s Party to the flag group in the Democratic People’s Party. In the new phase of the Thor revolution, the number of Russian advisers in various government agencies increased several times, with all civilian and military affairs under their direct supervision. About 620,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan fought with the Mujahideen (that is, the number of soldiers fought in Afghanistan, not the same number as Soviet troops in the country) ended after 9 years of resistance on December 31, 1991. Eaters are leaving Afghanistan.

The Decision to Attack

The Soviet Political Office, with the participation of Foreign Minister Gromyko, Chief Andropov KJB. Defense Minister Marshal Ostinov, Deputy Foreign Minister Kernikov, Lieutenant General Agarakov Levy Doris and General Ivanov Thoren Discuss the Political and Military Situation of Afghanistan in August 1979, Following repeated meetings of Soviet Defense Minister Marshal Steinov with his related General, held from August 1 to 24, 1979, the Secretary of Defense announces the party’s leadership and government leadership will finally announce on August 24 Military components shipped to Afghanistan, explaining that they will enter Afghanistan tomorrow by crossing the Amu river,  On August 25, 1979, the 40th Corps, which had already been deployed near the northern borders of Afghanistan for this purpose, was flown by land and air to Afghanistan. And the formation of military appointments is as follows: Tukharinov as commander, Brigadier General Vtkapov as political commander, Brigadier General Loyanov as chief, and Brigadier General Kerkakin as commander, The 40-unit Army consisted of 100 pieces  and four motorized sects, including gunner’s, rocket and air defensive, engine and transmission parts, and supply and logistics dogs and cats. In 1979, the number of troops increased to eighty thousand, which was later increased to one hundred and fifteen thousand. Key issues such as Kabul, Bagram and Shin Dand airfields have been displaced.

Afghan partners of soviet occupation 

The branches of the People’s Democratic Party and the banner of the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan have numerous testimonies against each of the branches of the party calling on the Soviets to intervene militarily in Afghanistan. The peoples reject the invitations of the Soviets by themselves and always place the responsibility on the shoulders of flags, and the flags, powered by the invading Soviet forces, also provide the people with documents and evidence. In inviting the Soviets to blame, perhaps the efforts of the flags are to reduce the heavy burden of responsibility for the Soviet aggression on their shoulders. To clarify the matter, here are some of the statements and interviews from the Communists of our country and others from the notes and interviews: “Mohammad Qasim Asmai, one of the authors of the People’s Party of Afghanistan’s Democratic Party, publishes a translation of Muharram documents. Since the Soviet times, both Noor Mohammad Taraki and Babrak Karmal have been calling on the Soviets to send troops to support the Communist rule in Afghanistan … »Mohammed Hassan Shargh under Dr. Najib The last Communist president in Afghanistan, on page 158 of the book Striped Bars, writes: “The beginning of September 1 979 Afghan President Noor Mohammad Tareki, who was appointed head of government by the Democratic People’s Party after seven years, attended a conference of non-aligned countries in Havana and was welcomed as a head of state by a return visit to Moscow. . Taraki reiterated the Kabul government’s demand for the Soviet Union to send Soviet troops to defend the Afghan revolution. “In the book The War in Afghanistan (written by a group of scientists from the Institute of Military History of the Russian Federation), citing a number of confidential documents, Soviet-era Noor Mohammad Taraki and Hafizullah Amin Leaders of the Democratic People’s Republic of Afghanistan have repeatedly called for Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan, with a total of 20 requests, including 7 to Noor Mohammad Toraki. Has been attributed, here to further clarify we quote from those documents: “It would have been great if the Soviet side had decided to send in some secret Soviet special forces to if the situation in the capital was to escalate rapidly,” said Taraki on June 11, 1979.

August 11 I meet with Amin at his request. Special attention was paid to the arrival of Soviet units in Afghanistan during the talks. I urge Soviet leaders to report the urgent need for Soviet troops to arrive in Kabul. He repeatedly said that “the presence of the Soviet troops in a significant measure will raise our spirits and give us more peace and confidence. Soviet leaders may be worried that our enemies in the world will regard the Soviet troops’ deployment to Afghanistan as interfering in the internal affairs of the DPA. Unless I assure you that we are an independent and free government and we resolve everything independently … Your troops will not take part in the battles. We will call them to help only in critical moments. I think we will need Soviet units until spring … “Griffel 12/8/1979

“A message from Kabul

On August 12, the head of the Afghan National Security Agency,  on his order, asked us to address the request of the leaders of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan to dispatch Soviet Special Forces Battalions and Delivery Wheelchairs {rotary planes for transport} Hurry up with Soviet personnel. It will be useful to send a special group battalion and the {Rotary planes for transport} with Soviet personnel to Kabul in the coming days … Another, one to strengthen security at Bagram Air Base and another to deploy at Bassar. “

Pozanov, Ivanov, Griffel 12/8/1979

Wishing for security and peace

The December 27 rape, in addition to the massive financial losses it caused, resulted in the loss of millions of lives for Afghans and tens of thousands of disabled, orphans and widows. And, worse, this unprecedented rape has unprecedentedly opened the door to the illegal interference of aliens, both neighbors and non-neighbors, in the internal affairs of our country. In 1992, after the defeat of the Red Army and the overthrow of Dr. Najib’s rule by the Mujahideen, the perpetrators of the Mujahideen were murdered by the Mujahideen in the hope that peace and quiet would return and no other sound would be heard in the country. Failing that, due to the incompetence of the Mujahideen government and the civil wars of rival factions on the one hand, and the plots and plots of the internal and external enemies of the Afghan people on the other, our country did not calm down, and the series of unrest and war went so far that Afghanistan came with an aggression. New led by the United States of America became a rival to the Soviet Union. For this reason, the Afghans failed to force the Russian Federation to repatriate Soviet-backed warlords and bring their domestic partners to justice. But given that Afghanistan is in a very critical position, but with an open door to peace, the Russian government is expected to come from outside and the remnants of the Soviet occupation regime from within, because of the part of the religion that the people of Afghanistan have above them. At least sincerely cooperate with the peace process to take part in extinguishing the fires that had co-existed forty years ago.

40-Year Anniversary of Soviet invasion of  Afghanistan

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