Afghanistan pharmaceutical Sector; Opportunities and Problems

 According to a recent BBC report, public health officials say Afghanistan has made good progress toward self-reliance in pharmaceuticals. And accordingly, a number of home-based pharmaceutical manufacturers have now started to make significant gains in their self-esteem. To what extent has pharmaceutical manufacturing developed in the country, how is the quality of medicine available? Where and how is the medication needed? And what are the opportunities and problems facing pharmaceutical manufacturing in the country? This analysis is discussed.

Country pharmaceutical situations

According to reports, the availability of quality medicines in many provinces of the country, including the capital, has caused many problems to people, and in most pharmacies, out-of-date medicines that are of poor quality are sold.Imports of illicit medicines through lack of professionals, lack of advanced equipment to check the quality of medicines with relevant agencies, including public health, in the country. And the problem of transmitting raw materials to pharmaceuticals from foreign countries is one of the reasons that have helped the country in transmitting poor quality medicines, and thus increasing the mistrust of the Afghan doctors. Most of the people with economic problems are still trying to get to other countries for treatment. But it is seen that to some extent the real problem lays not in the presence of professional doctors, but in the presence of very low quality medicines. Which is rarely seen in the country, The Afghan government has tried to exploit the existing possibilities to some extent to control the Expired date and quality of medicines? It has also launched anti-medicines collection campaigns in many parts of the country, and pharmacies that sell low quality and out-of-date medicines are closed, According to the data, the country is importing $ 650 million worth of medicines every year from other country, However, the quality of imported medicines is also not very reliable.

Quality and requirement of medicines

95 Afghanistan’s pharmaceutical needs are being met by imported medicines, Most of them are imported from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, India and European countries, But if looked at as a whole, there are two types of medicines being imported to Afghanistan, One of the kind that may be good quality, But the list of public health imported medicines is not, For example, cancer treatment medicines that are often smuggled into the country through smuggling. And health-related agencies should increase the list of medicines that are needed in the country. To help import companies import them from other country, other kind of medicines to import country in registered public health list, But in smuggling ways through anti-human life circles, as the horses are transported from Pakistan to Afghanistan through the eastern and southern regions of the country, And trying to bring such medicines to the country through illegal means, all this medicines low quality and out of date but they package and they sit new date and written only use for external, that is big problem to face afghan people and send to Afghanistan illegal way,  And on the other hand, pharmaceutical factories in the country not make high quality medicines to help provide the medicines needed in whole country.

Domestic Pharmaceutical factories in Afghanistan

However, the Afghan government has signed an agreement with a foreign company called BRS to build healthcare and medicines. So far 56 pharmaceutical manufacturers have obtained working permits for pharmaceuticals, according to health ministry reports, some of them so far in their construction work, and a number of factories up to 45 are making pharmaceuticals in Kabul, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar and Mazar-e-Sharif provinces. A cerium manufacturing companies in Afghanistan destroyed during the Civil War; Construction work has begun and is expected to begin officially in the next few years, Pharmaceutical factories, on the one hand, require huge investment, On the other hand, in a country like Afghanistan, there may be good side to long term benefits, Obviously, the country suffers from decades of war, And medicine is that thing, Which has permanent use, And investing in this area can never be considered as a no-brainer, However, security, raw materials, professional manpower and electricity may be fundamental challenges, So far, investors have been skewed to a certain extent in pharmaceuticals, But in addition to these challenges, insider investors are trying hard, To invest their money in this area, For example, in the recent past, news of huge investment in pharmaceuticals in Kandahar province has come to face, There will be no example in the region, Production and manufacture of Greek medicine, which has long been a tradition in the country, To some extent, it responded positively to people’s needs, But the people involved in this are complaining about the lack of raw materials, And perhaps there are more natural herbs in the country, That the availability of professionals and modern equipment is one of the toughest challenges, So the production of Greek medicines also relied on imported raw materials.


Medicine is something that humans have long used to treat and cure diseases; every country is striving to make good quality medicine, So that people can use it to prevent diseases, On the other hand, pharmaceuticals have a good role in increasing exports, A country like Afghanistan that is naturally central to the region, Investing in pharmaceuticals will not only prove to be a great way to treat its people, but it will also reveal the $ 650 million that is being sent to foreign countries every year to procure medicines, where they will be located in the future. Capture the export of medicines into, And to achieve this goal, the Afghan government should increase the tax on imported medicines and encourage the taxpayers on the raw materials that pharmaceuticals use to manufacture inputs in order to encourage domestic investors, On the other hand, most people do not use internal medicine, If the Government makes the necessary delays in procurement of advanced equipment to assess the quality of medicines and ensure internal medicine. So it is not far-fetched that citizens use their home remedies instead of foreign medicines through public awareness, and this can be a great help in the economic field of pharmaceutical manufacturers and in the country as a whole. The government should also assist in the marketing of domestic and domestic companies that have begun their activities in pharmaceuticals. In order to make Afghanistan long-term self-reliant in pharmaceuticals, The Afghan government should train pharmaceutical professionals and send new students through specialty scholarships for specialized pharmaceuticals in foreign countries. And in Afghanistan, it can be obtained by hiring foreign professionals who have long-term work experience in this field.

Afghanistan pharmaceutical Sector; Opportunities and Problems

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