Weekly Analysis Number: 37 (from July 6 until July 13, 2013)


Weekly Analysis

 Number: 37 (from July 6 until July 13, 2013)

This publication sets out important facts over a week published by center for strategic and regional studies for analysis of political, security and economic situation of the country, so various institution and authorities can benefit it.

What you will read in this publication:

Political part:

1 : Spenta : There is nothing with the name of Peace Process .

2 : Senate : Supreme Peace Council have just demagogue, its gate must be blocked .

3: India rejected weapon request of Afghanistan’s government.

Cultural part :

1: New plan of Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education: Each province should be given partaking in accordance to the graduators of High Schools and population of that province.

Political part:

India rejected weapon request of Afghanistan government!

Afghan officials have expressed hope that after signing the strategic contract with India, this country is willing to take apart of enhancing stamina defenses of Afghanistan, because, the contract was stressed on joint tackle with Terrorism. Signing the contract to India evinced the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan under great pressure.

Wahid “Mojdeh” aware of political affairs says: Now the question is, when Afghanistan and India were signing the Strategic Contract dose India have promised Afghanistan aid of weapons and strengthening Afghan military forces? It is notable, that Afghanistan has signed Strategic Contracts to various countries for the purpose of cooperation in security sector of Afghanistan, and India is one of them.  After singing this Contract, Afghan officials have spoken a great mutation on regional relationships and implicitly taking revenge from Pakistan because of interference in Afghanistan affairs, but now it seems that all of these imaginations have never been more than a sleep and day dream.

According to Mr. Mojdeh this decision of India is due to two reasons:

first of all, it should be accept that this is done to consult with America, because, giving up weapons to Afghanistan is related to the decision of America as we know America wants the capacity of Afghanistan forces to be in certain limit. This announcement of India takes place on the following trip of Minster of foreign affairs of America Jon Kerry to India, however it was said that America is in the fond of more participation of India in Afghanistan issues, this announcement of India indicates that America is not interested in participation of India in Military sector.

Second, India through giving epic weapons to Afghanistan, never wants to cause the instigation of Pakistan and concern of China. India prefers to have the same economic vision in Afghanistan as China, not as a country following military and strategic goals in Afghanistan. This lasted issue however indicates the failure of Afghanistan diplomacy in the region, and there is also the concern of uncertainties after 2014 that India is also in anxiety of this.  India has been repeatedly announced concern over upheaval situation of Afghanistan, after NATO and United States leave this country.

Mr. Mojdeh believes the foreign policy makers of our country still with the visibility mode of global and regional issues and with the criteria during the cold war and the collapse of Soviet Union make their judgments, without giving attention to this critical issue. World after cold war is another world. In the new world these are economic settlements that speak first letter.


Is there anything under the name of peace process?

Doctor “Spenta” speeches in the parliament at the back of close doors have leaked out and raised plenty of stirred noise. Quoted from Dr “Spenta” that he said there is nothing in Afghanistan with name of peace process.

Wahid “Mojdeh” states: if Spenta was not the Presidential advisor of National Security, such a comment from him could be considered someone’s personal opinion, but when a high ranking governmental official says such thing, would be ridiculous and if I say he has expressed his personal opinion.

Sediqi and Doctor Fatima “Aziz” members of parliament stated that supreme peace council is failure in its works and were demanding to remove this council soon.

According to Mojdeh stuffs are usually engaged of working in government that they can say “we are in government not with a state”. this is not surprising, If the lower level stuffs of government say the same, because several of them just get salary and is government, if the government gets lost and come another state it does not matter too much for them, but when a high ranking governmental advisor of a State says that he is in government not with government, the issue is quite different . High ranking governmental officials have political dignity and when someone is with government, he is not allowed to express opponent point of view about sensitive governmental issues then say that this is my personal opinion, but it seems, that criteria differ in Afghanistan presidential palace .Dr “Spenta ” speech regarding peace process, also placed Supreme Peace Council in unfavorable position and for this reason Massoom “Stanekzai” claimed that Spentas verbal communication is misinterpreted, but the members of National Council says  that these words are quite clear and are without ambiguity .

Mr. Zaker “Jalali” aware of political affairs says about recent negotiation of Mr. Spenta: since twelve years NATO forces are fighting with Taliban in Afghanistan. Taliban have stuck to the ground NATO forces in Afghanistan. Afghanistan war has caused, to face

these countries economic difficulties .US that lead war in Afghanistan, doesn’t want to a head this erosion war. Public opinion in America is against war in Afghanistan. Most importantly, afghan people need peace. The reaction of Afghan people to opening of office for Taliban in Qatar was positive. Once again there was hope for peace; this status of   Mr. Spenta will not be accepted to foreign countries as well. America considers its own problems. Jobaiden Vice President of the United States, in December of 2011 obviously said, after this we won’t inculcate Taliban as an enemy. These statements of Mr. “Baiden” were paving the way for opening of office in Qatar and convincing Taliban to dialogue and negotiations. Mr. “Spenta” is now in attempt to encourage Americans for resuming war, bleeding and causalities that he and the ruling team will extend their governance. This demand of Mr. “Spenta” cannot be anything else more than a desire for his survival.

From Mojdeh point of view, until the matter ties to the context of Spenta talks, it should be said that he has brought proper words on his tongue. In the past twelve years there wasn’t any peace process in Afghanistan and the government never had any program for peace. Government peace program was a demand of surrendering Taliban and sometimes they came with claims that we are in contact with the leaders of Taliban, but considering the condition we cannot name these leaders. When Mullah “Barather” imprisoned by Pakistan, the Afghan government has claimed, that Barather was in relation with us and arrested for this reason. Before the arrest of Mullah “Berather”, the same speech has heard about Mullah “Dudullah” that he decided to gather peace process, but was killed. Why should only imprison and killed have been interested to negotiate with the Government of Afghanistan. Why when they were alive and free, did not show tendency for peace?


Ahmad Zia Rahimzai has said regarding this:

We have observed over recent years that each government organ and even high ranking governmental officials under the name of peace and compromise pursue their special goals and sometimes it has brought heavy losses in this regard and as well as to the relevant people, and the deathful attack on the Director of National Security Department is a great evidence for our claim.

This is unquestionable , that Afghan government and its politicians during more than a decade if only listened to the demand of war-torn and oppressed people of the country regarding peace and compromise, real ways of compromise and the termination of war must be searched out. Today our country wouldn’t be in this situation and our oppressed people were to live pleasantly in peaceful and calm atmosphere .

Now Spenta as a senior advisor to the president and head of the National Security council admits that there is nothing with the name of peace process in Afghanistan and expose the privacy of ineffectiveness of incongruous organ of Supreme Peace Council, undoubtedly indicates, to whatever painful tragedy Afghanistan is faced, on one hand, during a long time the country’s great amount of money has been spent on this failed Supreme Peace Council institution and on the other hand, feelings of peaceable and war-torn people of the country work manly have been taken to game, and through false hopes for peace either has whispered something in their ears.

More surprising, all these domestic disclosures and unraveling mystery of each other secrets occurs, when armed Taliban has closed their political office in Qatar , in protest to the reaction of America and Afghanistan governmentwhich would have to be a good address for peace negotiations and the same any more weak hope that has come to existence in this regard, once again annihilated .  Annihilation of expectations for peace , in case that the scope of war and armed attacks have reached to presidential palace and seat of the Black Organization in Kabul, in consideration to the transformation of a large part security responsibilities to unarmed and non-trained forces and this process goes forward to being completed, clarify any more the depth of this tragedy .

Wahid “Mojdeh” states: doctor “Spenta” has said to parliament members all of the contacts with Taliban have the aspect of ethnic or personal Camaraderie. Namely, these contacts were in limit of <AsalamoAlaikom> which cannot be called peace process, If Doctor “Spenta” has said the these words,  he said  the correct words. These words can be founded such, that years efforts of Supreme Peace Council was to create trust between the Taliban and the supreme peace council as a result assassinated the head of Supreme Peace Council and yesterday one of a member of the Supreme Peace Council was targeted in Ghazni province and injured. Therefore, Supreme Peace Council doesn’t have any effectiveness on negotiation with Taliban and is a formation of waste and consumption. Those who believe should eliminate this council, they have the right to.

Cultural part:

New plan of Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education: Each province should be given partaking in accordance to the graduators of High Schools and population of that province.

Baray “Siddiqi” Assistant of students’ affairs to the Ministry of Higher Education says: in order not to ignore right that to pass in one province more and few in other, on the bases of average of population and number of graduators, a limitation will be considered, the right of each province will be determined and then overall exam will be conducted. On the bases of the new plan of Ministry of Higher Education, those can include exam that they can complete, the average of 65percent marks in the last three preceding years of school. Mr. “Siddiqi” states: this will cause to consider competency and to prevent counterfeit and duplicity.

Judge Mohammad Esa “Omid” human resources expert says in this regard:

 Regional equilibrium and geographical location sometimes for the reason of balanced development cause some problems as well. The countries that there is imbalanced development, in centers and some of the provinces development is in progress very quickly and going forward, but those regions that are in remote geography does not work, as well in Afghanistan there are geographical problems . To reach this goal sooner we should not forget this principle, which capacities dose Afghanistan needs for the upcoming 10 – 20 years and on which sectors the economic development would have standing, when these principles are eminent then on the basis of requirements plan for faculties should be made.

For the balanced development in the field of Education and Higher Education in current condition first the backwardness should be notice toward provinces and since a lot of time lasted it is better to train much more expert staff and human resources in back warded provinces, wherefore, according to Deputy Minister to the ministry of education in the opening ceremony of a school in Lugar province addressed to people said, in the exam of 1386 from Paktika province just a few number of students have succeeded to Institutes and one person who has been succeeded to Poly Technique Geology branch is not going to read this faculty, a few years later Paktika people would not have any specialist.

In the belief of Mr. “Omid” in Afghanistan for solving problems and getting rid of responsibilities, tact and affection decide is made. in current situation each province is the arm of another province if in Badekhshan much more reformed wheat are cultivated, the exuberant harvest of this province will have direct effects on price and coast of wheat in other provinces, and if in the province of Punjsher specialists doctors treat patients at the Hospital the capable doctors of Kabul will have enough time for treating people in the center.

He says: the way that is currently spotted by Ministry of Higher Education (equivalence including of students toward population and graduators of twelve grades) is before the time, when all the districts and provinces have got to the same development, this formula is logical and academic that should be considered and till that, we would have a clear and reliable statistics of our population as well.


Weekly Analysis Number: 37 (from July 6 until July 13, 2013)

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