Violation of Human Rights by Human Rights Supporters

“I can’t breathe” is the expression that reached mouths of most of the political opponents in the U.S. with regard to the racial segregation, which refers to how the police killed a black man. The black man, Eric Garner, was suffocated and killed by police while shouting “I cannot breathe”. Though, media tries to show that only the police are involved in racial segregation, but the investigation of court of the victim shows that only police are not involved in it, but also segregation of the minority groups in the U.S. is in the nature of the U.S. System.

The U.S. is the country that claims they are main supporters of human rights around the world, and due to the mentioned reasons it criticizes other countries around the world, but protests against racism, in huge cities and areas of the U.S., shows the internal facts of the community of the U.S.

Torture in the U.S Prisons

The last report of the U.S. congress, which is the highest legislative branch of the U.S., is the formal confession of the U.S. about violation of human rights by that country. But what is mentioned in the report is an attempt to hide the terrible facts of the crimes of CIA that they do in the Guantanamo and other prisons in the U.S. On one hand it is tried to confess about the torture in the prisons like; slapping, insulting, smashing of the criminals to walls, keeping the prisoners naked in cold weather, keeping them in insomnia for long time, and artificial immerse of prisoners in water that impedes breathing; on the other hand, it wants to hide that the mentioned torture and others like the one of Eric Garner are related to some small groups, not the policy of the U.S. Government.

Concealing More Terrible Crimes:

Anything that we heard from the report is not new, most of those words and crimes were heard from the mouths of the prisoners that were released from the Guantanamo Prison, and there were even pictures and videos of such crimes published. But formal publication of these terrible crimes creates many questions.

In the report that is published, there is no sign visible about suicides that the prisoners have committed; the prisoners that committed suicide were mental suppressed to the extent that they committed suicide, and later on the CIA officials said that their suicides were also conspiracies against the U.S.!

On June 11th 2006, some media reported that three prisoners in Guantanamo Prison committed suicide. In 2007, Associated Press reported that a prisoner in the Guantanamo Prison attempted ten times to commit suicide, but other prisoners prevented him from suicide. Due to the uncertainty of his future, he is hopeful that one day he will be able to commit suicide.

The mentioned 33 year-old prisoner, by the name of Juma Mohammad Aldesari, wrote in the report that was published by the news agency, “Here we face the worst form of brutality and physical violence”.

Up to 2012, there were, at least, 7 prisoners who committed suicide in Guantanamo Prison, which the seventh one of them was 32 years old Adnan Abdul Latif from Yemen, which after three months the U.S. officials declared that the reason of his death was suicide, and the lawyer of Abdul Latif said that Abdul Latif was died because of massive use drugs, and in a prison that has extreme control, it is not possible that he would do so by himself. He was suffering from shortness of breath, but there was no doctor to take care of him, and he was left in his cage, and same as Eric Garner “He could not breathe”.

Most likely, Abdul Latif was annoying to the prisoners and they also preferred to kill him, with attention to his death, his lawyer claimed that his client was killed by the U.S. officials in such a way that they did not leave any sign to be captured. He spent 11 years in the Guantanamo Prison without finding any proof against him that will show him criminal.

A review to the report explains that the report is going to publish small incidents, compared to crucial torture, that occur inside the Guantanamo Prison to conceal the brutal tortures that take place in the prison. For example, the prisoners that are released from the prison explains that there is a separate building for the ones that are mentally disordered. Sometimes they send other prisoners to the same building to the mentally disordered prisoners to torture him by insomnia. There is nothing mentioned about the extreme hunger that the prisoners suffered from in the prison.

Memories of Former Prisoners:

Two of the Afghan Prisoners in Guantanamo Prison, Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost and Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef published their memories of the prison after their release.

Mullah Abdul Salaam Zaeef, who was earlier imprisoned in Guantanamo Prison, published his book “Tasweere az Guantanamo” which means “An Image from Guantanamo” and he briefly narrated physical and mental torture in the prison as below:

  1. Lack of law and rule.
  2. Tortures that were against humanity and that were totally useless.
  3. Violence of soldiers.
  4. Uncertainty of the future of the prisoners.
  5. Long-term imprisonment of the prisoners in individual cabins.
  6. Insulting religions sanctities like Holly Quran.
  7. Not letting the prisoners to study, and lack of any activity to keep the prisoner busy that would cause the prisoner to think all the time and be concerned.
  8. Long-term insomnia, which would even take months and would cause the prisoner mental illness and mental disorder.
  9. Humiliating torture as baring the prisoners.
  10. Giving inappropriate information about the families of the prisoners through fake news to cause them mental disorder.
  11. They would not threat the prisoners that were sick, so they would be always concerned about their health.
  12. Delaying the letters of the families of the prisoners to the prisoners and omitting some parts of the letters, so the prisoners would be concerned about their families.

Result of those Tortures over Global Security:                                       

Congress blames the CIA for giving inappropriate insurance of their activities to the U.S. Government, and says that torture of prisoners did not help in decrease of terrorism at all. The information that was gained from prisoners was not true, and they narrated fake stories because of saving themselves from pain and torture.

But the report did not point that why those released prisoners became against the U.S, who even want to take revenge from the U.S. even with the cost of their life. For example, before being imprisoned by CIA, Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost did not have any relationships with Al Qaida and the Taliban, and he was a small business person who was selling soap in Peshawar of Pakistan, and in extra time he was translating and writing books and articles.

But the same person, after his release from the Guantanamo Prison, is once again followed by the U.S., because he is currently representative of one of the fundamental Islamic Group known as the Islamic State, which is led by Abu Baker Baghdadi, in Northern Asia. So, is torture in the U.S. prison the reason for creating a brighter future for us?

The End

Violation of Human Rights by Human Rights Supporters

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