The B.S.A. and the Future of Peace in Afghanistan

As expected, the B.S.A. and the pact for existence of the NATO forces in Afghanistan haveapproved by the majority votes of the lower house of the Afghan Parliament. As President Ashraf Ghani was in hurry for signing the B.S.A. and immediately, the day after his inauguration ceremony, he signed the B.S.A., the parliament also signed it in hurry, without any discussion. The parliament took the meeting in an unusual day, Sunday, while all other general meetings are held only on Saturdays and Wednesdays. In the Sunday-election about the B.S.A. there were only 5 votes against it, and 3 abstentions, and all the remaining votes were pro signing the agreement.

According to the agreement, the official duty of the foreign forces in Afghanistan would be completed at the end of the current year, and at the beginning of 2015 their training and advisory role to the Afghan Military Forces would start; but one day prior to the entrance of the agreement to the Afghan Parliament, the U.S. media reported that in a secret decree President Obama extended the military operations of the U.S. forces in Afghanistan without involving the other party-Afghanistan- in the process of this extension.


The Pro Agreement Campaign in the Lower House:

It was obviousat the beginning that the U.S. does not have any obligation for the provision of the agreement, but the U.S. appointed ones tried to dictate people that the agreement is the solution for all the problems of Afghanistan, and even tried to prevent the discussion of its advantages in the lower house of the parliament. The Americans were afraid of the discussion, because the people will know that the agreement will not only doesn’t solve the problems, but will also expand the intervention of the U.S. in Afghanistan, which will cause no result except the continuation of war in Afghanistan. Therefore, the duty was given to some members of parliament, especially women, to campaign for the agreement that will prevent the discussion of its articles in the parliament.

Since signing of the B.S.A. those MPs have their regular visits from the U.S. embassy in Kabul, and according to some MPs it was mentioned in some media sources. The list of the pro American MPs was given to the U.S. embassy, therefore the way for signing the agreement with blind eyes was paved.

The U.S. embassy appointed MPs did not deny it, and said that the MPs have the right to campaign for the agreement that will be for interest of Afghanistan, and claims that it is not illegal.


The last decree of President Obama:

It is mentioned in the second article of the B.S.A.:

The U.S. forces will not have any type of military operations in Afghanistan, but when both the parties agree through some other ways.

But without any discussion with the Afghan side, Obama violated the mentioned article of the B.S.A. It is said that Obama’s violation from the B.S.A. is based on the lobby of the U.S. Generals that told Obama that without the cooperation of the U.S. forces, the Afghan Forces are unable to defend or improve their duties influentially. This is what an Afghan General also said; he said that the Afghan Forces are not able to fight against the operations of the Taliban without the cooperation of the U.S. air force.

To some extent the U.S. was sure due to the necessity and acceptance of the security agreement by the lower house, and they even did not imagine that if they, even, violate the agreement before the approval of the lower house, it will be questionable by the MPs.

There was no discussion at all about the legal integrity (lack of conflict with the laws of the country) of the agreement, and no discussion about the legality of the clear principles of the agreement. Therefore, though the provisions of the agreement areobligatory for Afghanistan, from the U.S. side it is a moral obligation.


Provocation of War and the Future of War:

At the first stage, war and violence requires provocation, if there is no provocation, only weapons in the hands of people cannot be caused to war. For example, as holding weapons is legal in the U.S. and hundreds of thousand guns are held by people but there is no motivation of war against the government, it did not cause war against the government.

The security officials of the country claims that there is 60 percent increase in attacks of the government opposition since the inauguration of the new government. Isn’t the motivation of the war and violence, motivation in the opposition, related to the signing of the B.S.A.?

Meanwhile, President Ashraf Ghani said that bringing peace to the country is in the priorities of his duties, and it will be not possible to implement any type of program without peace in the country.

President Ashraf Ghani, in his meeting with some of the Afghan senators, said that bringing peace to the country needs a detailed policy, not replacing the security officials from one position to another position.


President Ghani’s Peace Plan:

After signing the B.S.A. with the U.S., the Taliban rejected any type of negotiation with the Afghan Government and the U.S. and expanded war. After Obama’s decree for extension of the military operations of the U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, it seems that negotiation with the Taliban is even worse compared to the earlier time.

Therefore President Ghani can have only one plan for peace, and it is reaching peace through war, which signing the B.S.A. itself means so. The U.S. forces will stay with the Afghan forces in the military operations after 2014, and they will try to win from the Taliban. President Ashraf Ghani, in his meeting with some senators of the country, said that the operation against the Taliban should take place in various provinces of the country like: Kunduz, Faryab, Badghis, Ningarhar, Helmand and other provinces.

President Ashraf Ghani’s aim about this plan may be to weaken the Taliban through military operations, so they will accept to negotiate with the Afghan Government. As with the existence of 120 thousands foreign troops in the country, in last 13 years, this goal was not achieved, how it could be possible to achieve this goal with 12 thousands foreign forces in the upcoming one year?

The End

The B.S.A. and the Future of Peace in Afghanistan

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