Peace Barriers in Qatar Conference 


Pugawash is an international institution working for world peace. The institution convened a peace dialogue regarding Afghanistan for the first time in September 2012 where a number of Afghan experts participated. At the end of the conference a conclusion of the views regarding end of war in Afghanistan was published.

In first Pugwash conference on Afghanistan, it was decided that the institution would continue to set unofficial meetings between Afghans with few non-Afghan participants. It was also decided that the meetings shall be continued in the future. The views being discussed in the meetings will include Afghan government, political parties, Taliban movement and some Taliban-inclined figures. The participants present their views in the meetings should be based on their personal capabilities, and the view must be close to their leading side.

It was also decided that participants from neighbor and regional countries will also be invited in the next meetings to attain their guarantee regarding peace and stability; and refraining the foreign intervention.

Pugwash Conference in Qatar

Initially, the conference was to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, but since Taliban were interested to dispatch more members of the political office to the conference and their names are in black list of UN and US, they could not pay visits. Therefore, the decision was changed to Qatar. Talks with Qatar regarding its host ship for the conference also prolonged the process. Qatar based Taliban assisted Pugwash in this regard too.

Delegations of Hizb-e-Islamic (Hekmatyar), High Peace Council, independent persons from and outside Afghanistan, “UNAMA” representatives and diplomats of some foreign countries participated in the conference.

Rumors circulated regarding the presence of Pakistan intelligence service “ISI” in the conference. US financed media agencies tried to show the conference as arranged by Pakistan. But later, all the rumors were proved baseless.

 The question over ability of Pugwash Conference to be the beginning of direct peace talks between Afghan government and Taliban can be answered  from Taliban’s statement in this regard.

Taliban Statement

Taliban statement said that their movement came into existence to stop civil war between/among Mujahidin factions and to protect the goals of Afghan Jihad, and therefore, people supported them. They have also confessed on one reality that due to lack of experience they have committed some mistakes.

The statement maintains that the peace is a common responsibility, and a way to pass the rights to those who really deserve although they have divided the barriers of peace as internal and external.

Peace Barriers from Taliban Angle

Taliban point to some instances, and peace talks are not possible if they are not achieved:

  1. Foreign occupation is the mother of all calamities and peace talks will not bear any fruit until it is in place;
  2. Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) has been considered a big barrier in the way of peace;
  3. Instead of talking to Islamic Emirate, it has been asked from neighboring countries to bring peace in Afghanistan;
  4. The closing of Qatar office snatched the assumed address for Taliban and it paved the way for circulation of one-sided rumors;
  5. Presence of Taliban elder’s names in UN black list is another barrier in the way of peace. From Taliban’s view, peace process and black list are in paradox. For the continuation of talks, it is essential to remove the list, so that all parties of the talks will negotiate in an equal condition;
  6. Absence of a peace strategy with Americans and Kabul government is another obstacle. The reason is also very explicit, that there is no honesty in peace process and their stance is in changing mode;
  7. Mediators should believe in peace and may not exploit peace as a tactic.


Taliban said that the draft of constitution should be prepared by Afghan scholars and later on be presented to the nation for the approval. Current constitution is not acceptable because it has been copied from the west and has been written under the shadow of B52 aircrafts. Its provisions are contradictory to each other too.


All participants of the conference considered talks as a solution of the present crisis in Afghanistan, but due to deep disagreements among them, instead of a resolution at the end, a list of 15 points of recommendations has been published. One side stressed on fruitful peace process before complete pull out of foreign troops from Afghanistan, ISIS type of rule is not acceptable in Afghanistan, next political system and constitution for Afghanistan require detailed negotiations to prevent monopoly in governance, but all agreed on Islamic type of system. Unofficial talks shall continue among the Afghans. Removal of Taliban elder’s names from black list may have positive impacts on peace process.

It has been agreed upon to reopen Taliban office in Qatar to have an address for further peace talks but details of reopening are not clear yet. Especially, when national security advisor, Hanif Atmar said there was not official representative of Afghan government in the conference, so no decision is binding. Foreign ministry of Afghanistan expressed its disagreement with reopening of Taliban office.

Though high peace council secretary, Masoom Stanekzai has expressed hope regarding the conference and considered it hopeful step towards direct and open talks between the two sides.  

The End



Peace Barriers in Qatar Conference 

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