Weekly Analysis – Issue Number 137 (October 10-17, 2015)

In this issue:


The increasing concerns of Central Asian Republics and Russia regarding Afghanistan

Reasons behind Central Asia and Russia’s Concerns

Instability in the north of Afghanistan       

Presence of Central Asia’s Citizens in the Ranks of Daesh

Russian’s Military Assistance to Afghanistan

Whether Russians would be conducting Air Assaults in Afghanistan?

Kabul’s Request to get full membership in SCO

Peace Process: from Afghan Government’s efforts to Pakistan’s repeated promises

Pakistan’s Isolation and Nawaz Sharif’s visit to America

Peace Efforts through High Peace Council

Putting Pressures on Pakistan

Whether the Taliban would Join Daesh?

The Need of an Intra-Afghan Understanding


Weekly Analysis-137

Weekly Analysis – Issue Number 137 (October 10-17, 2015)

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