The President is Right!

By: Zakir Jalaly

Afghan president Hamid Karzai rebuffed American demands in his last week interview with Daily Telegraph British news paper. Mr Karzai said that he “saw no good” in the last one decade American presence in his country, and called Taliban his brothers and Americans as rivals. He said that he has not spoken to his American counterpart since 7 months. And the last meeting was at Mandela’s funeral in South Africa.

Mr. Karzai has been blamed by America for several times before this interview. He described his position as Amir Abdurahman Khan was in, which caused to singing the Durand line agreement.  He said: I am also under pressure as Amir Abdurahmman khan was.

His interview with Daily Telegraph has been most discussed in media, and after that some American media speculated that Karzai is in secret contacts with Tabliban. While the Taliban described these contacts as propaganda and rejected their negotiation as usual with Karzai’s government. 

From the latest position of President Karzai and his interviews appear that he won’t sign the pact which will give 9 military bases to America in Afghanistan, therefore Hamid Karzai is under pressure of the western media on the one hand and the domestic media which is supporting by west on the other hand. What could be the response of those so-called analysts to the latest tragedy in Ghorban who were insisting on singing of the pact, but Karzai learnt from the latest incidents to not sing the BSA under any circumstances and insisted on his position.  

President Karzai in his interview with Daily Telegraph also tried to show a green light to Taliban as well to negotiate with him. But Taliban are suspicious about his power for bringing peace, they are not sure if they share their conditions with Karzai he will not be able to fulfill. But the problem is that Karzai was once thinking that Afghanistan will be destroyed without strategic alliance with America, which is not strategic, nor alliance and friendship. Karzai showed tolerance for several years and now when this bilateral relation deteriorates he decided to be honest with his people; maybe this is the reason that instead of opposing him from public now his positions are being supported.

The President is Right!

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