This year has been the harshest year for Afghans

After the speech of the ministers of interior affairs and foreign affairs in the parliament that were about the increase of bloodshed in last six months, Afghans are concerned about the future of Afghan war.

The security officials said that the current year is the worst year, in terms of bloodshed of Afghan Security Forces, since 2001. And it was clearly expressed in their speeches that Afghan Security Forces have faced extreme challenges about the current and upcoming issues.

Casualty of the involved parties and civilians:

In response to the parliament’s questions, the Minister of Interior Omar Davodzai said that since 2001 up to date, this year was the most dangerous and bloody year for the Afghan Security forces. According to him, in the first six months of the current year 2212 Afghan National and Local Police are killed, and 2506 Afghan Local Police are injured. So, if we calculate it up to one year, it is a huge lost for the Afghan National and Local Police.

President Karzai, in his speech on the martyr’s week, pointed to it and said that due to the reports everyday there are 50 Afghans killed. One of the high-ranking officials of the ministry of defense also told German News Agency that the graph of casualty of Afghan increased, and said that every week there are 100 Afghan Security Forces killed.

There were 5503 of the Afghan Government Enemies killed, during this year, and 2370 of them were injured, according to the minister.

But the accurate statistics of the casualty of the Afghan Government Enemies (AGE) is neither declared earlier, nor is there accurate information available about it. But, as the government want to accuse the AGE for the casualty of the Afghan Security Forces, so they announce the casualty of the Afghan National Police much more than the reality.

According to the minister of interior, at the first half of the year there were 955 civilians killed and 2395 more were injured. But the statistics about the civilian’s casualty is given much more than the reality. Because, a report provided by UNAMA says that there were 1560 civilians killed, in the first six month of 2014, and 3280 more were injured.

Operations of Foreign Forces:

Though the Afghan Security Forces (ASF) claims that they operated, in 2014, without the support of foreign forces, but in reality most of the areas were controlled with the air force support of foreign forces. And while the foreign forces stopped their air force assistance in an area, that area is lost from the control of ASF.

If the ASF are not supported by foreign air forces, how could be tens of civilians killed by the airstrikes of foreign forces? Though the control of all the country is in the hands of ASF.

Recently there were 14 children and women killed and 13 more were injured by the ISAF airstrikes in Kunar Province, which were called to cooperate the ASF. The incident was condemned by the Amnesty International Organization and the UN envoy for Afghanistan, Jan Kubis.

From the beginning there are many Afghan civilians killed and still being killed by the ISAF drones, either intentionally, or by wrong information provided for them. But they pretend that the drones point only the armed enemies.

Some of the recent drone attacks are: killing of 41 civilians in Nooristan Province, killing of 4 women and children in Shindand District of Heart Province, killing of 4 civilians, including children, in Logar Province, killing of 3 civilians in Khakrez District of Kandahar, and airstrikes on a police checkpoint in Parwan Province that caused killing of 3 police.

In earlier years, such attacks caused the retort by ASF, which the last incident was the one recently in Herat Province, in which an Afghan Police killed 3 U.S. Army officers in a face-to-face firing. And by killing the Afghan Police, they protected the remaining U.S. Army officer existing there.

Meanwhile, the suicide attack in Kabul, in which there were 8 foreign forces killed, showed that even the activities of the foreign forces has declined in the country, still they are targeted by the AGE. And even with the Afghanization of the war from the foreign forces, they are still not able to end their own casualties.

Promises of equipping the Afghan Security Forces:

While the U.S. president finalized his decision about the U.S. government in the Afghanistan’s war; they agreed that in 5 stages the security responsibilities would be transferred to Afghan Security Forces.

The first stage of the transition was completed in August of 2008, which was the transition of security of Kabul City. Later on, in 2010 NATO declared that the last stage will be completed in 2014.

During the conference of NATO in Chicago, held on May of 2012, the request was approved by the members, and due to the plan, all the security authority of Afghanistan was submitted to the Afghan Forces: but, in addition to the transition of security authority of Afghanistan, the promises that were done with the Afghan Security Forces are still not implemented.

U.S. and NATO promised on that time that they will train Afghan Security Forces and will equip them with modern weapons and equipment; but against their promises, the ASF still do not have enough light weapons, and while leaving Afghanistan the foreign forces were destroying the weapons and equipment that they could not take back with them. And they did not hand those weapons and equipment for the ASF.

About the empowerment of ASF, in every conference, as the last one of London, there are promises done, but they either do not implement them in a proper way, do not even implement, or due to the internal issue of the Afghan Government they are not implemented in a proper way. And billions of USD foreign aid and other types of opportunities are wasted.

On the other hand, the attacks of AGE have increased and in rural areas of the country the ASF are being surrounded by the AGE, and they are supplied by air; within all the mentioned issues the Afghan Security officials tell the nation that they are strong enough to struggle against the AGE.

Though the Afghan Security Officials on one hand reports about the neutralization of thousands of AGE attacks; on the other hand, they accept that many districts are under the control of AGE since many years. With the increase of the AGE attacks, in 2014, two districts are lost by the ASF, and some more are at the risk of being lost.

Though the Afghan Governmental Officials claim that there was no support of the foreign forces with the ASF during the current year, but in reality there was the support of the foreign forces with them. As up to the end of the 2014 the mission of the foreign forces will end and they will leave Afghanistan alone, so there would be no assistance of foreign forces with the ASF, and they are not fully equipped, the casualty of the ASF will increase, and they may lose many parts of the country and those parts would be controlled by the AGE

This year has been the harshest year for Afghans

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