Complicated intelligence war and the latest incidents

Since American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, a course of attacks took place in different parts of the country while none of the involved parties in the Afghan war, ranging from international security forces to anti-government insurgents claimed responsibility and doer of such attacks remains unknown.

 In these attacks targets are being targeted cunningly which shows the complication of intelligence wars behind the scene. The quality and the targets of this kind of attacks show that these assaults were taking place in past 13 years in accordance with a preplanned scenario.

This context is more like that in Iraq after invasion of America in that country, and exposed after their withdrawal from Iraq.

The role of outsiders in proxy wars

The different parties in the current war in Afghanistan are related to a party, but the general public knows Taliban as the responsible. The western intelligence carrying out their attacks under the name of Black Water and pursue their goals, and the most incidents show that western intelligence have their part in the most insurgency networks and use them for achieving what they want.

Some of the involved parties in these proxy wars are related to each other. Even today when Pakistan (the strategic partner) of America threatening Afghanistan by air and land attacks is in communication with their western allies and this represent just a part of the widespread involvement of different parties in Afghanistan’s wars and instabilities. Along many more cases of interventions of Pakistan the continuously attacks on the eastern provinces of the country and the silence of foreign troops in Afghanistan gives some signs for knowing of some secrets of this conspiracy.  

Besides Pakistan, a number of other countries are also involved in the proxy wars in Afghanistan. Russia and Iran with the west bargain over Anti-Drug strategies with America and along with other demands of them it caused their involvement here. On the other hand China has also been not neutral; but the America and west was according to Karzai as whom who encourages thief for stealing and the house owner for saving his house. And beside of their other policies they use all the involved parties on the level of the whole country and dangerous incidents in all parts of the country as the latest one which had tribal aspect in Herat.

Propaganda and mysterious attacks

The last two months were bloody for Afghan nation. A heavy car bomb killed and injured more than one hundred people and a few days later 15 civilians killed in another incident, and the responsibility for both incidents was not claimed by any party; even the Taliban also condemns such incidents. Who are carrying out these attacks and for which reasons and what they achieve? Or why there is not the strong will for knowing and publicizing of the doers of these attacks.

Afghans are sacrifices in last 13 years of such attacks, which are carried out for pursuing goals by intelligences and propagating in favor of them in all the media on which they have strong influence.

In Afghanistan one of the main problems is that the management of the general public through media is being managed by the westerns and they are managing the conspiracies and intelligence attacks as they want to be. However there are several analysis about these incidents; but the doer of such crimes are hide from scarified nations; even there are not minimum information being published about the goals and doers of such incidents.  

In last years from the quality of such attacks appeared that intelligence targeting and then use these attacks for their propagandas and raising reactions. The quality of such attack is opposite of what happens in other world, here the winner and loser of such attacks are not known.

The game being played about prisoners

A few days back about 15 civilians took out of their bus and all from a specific tribe have shot and killed. This incident besides perusing the goal of tribal disputes among people was also related to the bargaining over the releasing of prisoners detained by American forces.

President Karzai in the last few years of his government tried to release some innocent Afghans from prisons. Mr. Karzai last year for first time called the Bagram bay as the factory of Taliban. This position of the president was however criticized by Afghans but since Karzai has been working more than one decade with America and know better their conspiracies and plans to which he had some points occasionally.

Since president Karzai positioned against the westerns anti-Afghan policies they also opposing by this kind of attacks, diplomacy and propaganda. The latest events shows that whenever such attacks taking place after that the media which are being supported and funded by foreigners follows these kind of attacks by heavy propagandas in favor of whom they are related to. 

The latest incidents were linked with that measure of the president in which number of innocent prisoners has released from jails who were detained by American forces and were prisoned by them for years without any trail for their own plans.

If these propaganda does not have intelligent goals, why they claim that only the released prisoners can carry this kind of attacks? Whether they find such a power short after the release from the jail? If there are some Talib fighters in the released prisoners first of all this will be difficult for them to join Taliban in the field; but if they do whether without these fighters the other cannot carry out such attacks?

If the releasing of prisoners is as dangerous as they say, than why America released the prisoners of Guantanamo bay? The fact is that bringing the prisoners into Guantanamo jail and then their releasing all were part of the scenario that America implements to achieve their goals. The prisoners in Bagram jail were also being used for this kind of conspiracies.  

The position of Hamid Karzai over these incidents

Hamid Karzai however was supported by America to come to power, but in last few years appeared that he was de-authorized by foreign conspiracies; but he was trying to deliver the message occasionally in his speeches to Afghan people about such conspiracies. However after his government period he would be facing threats because of his views on American policies for the region.    

On the other hand, Hamid Karzai himself is targeted by such conspiracies, and beside other incidents some of his close relatives have been targeted; now he knows who is behind these attacks and therefore opposes American strategies for Afghanistan.  

President Karzai was involved in interactions and close work with Americans in past 13 years; therefore he can be the first level person who is aware of the scenarios. This is not that much simple that some of the political analysts say that the decree of the president was for his personal demands, the president really knows better than the political analysts.

By: Hekmatullah Zaland

Complicated intelligence war and the latest incidents

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