President Karzai’s Recommendations to the new government

In the farewell ceremony of President Karzai with the Afghan Government Officials, in his last speech as the president of the country, he pointed to the challenges that the new government may face, and he presented some recommendations to the new government as an experienced president of the country.

Though his hands were tied against conspiracies of U.S. and West during his government, still some of his activities in last few years express that he was against U.S. and West.

In his last speech as the president of Afghanistan, Mr. Karzai claimed that U.S. policy against Afghanistan is a two faced policy, and asked the new government to be alert about its policies with U.S. and the West. According to him, U.S. follow its own interests in the country, and for the implementation of its own interests U.S. never wants Afghanistan to be a peaceful country.

He claimed that the main obstacles for the peace of the country are U.S. and Pakistan. Most of the people And by pointing to the interference of Pakistan in the internal affairs of Afghanistan, he said that in last few years Pakistan attempted many tries to force the Afghan Government to accept the so-called Durand line as the formal border of both the countries, and have access to the foreign affairs of Afghanistan.


Pakistan’s Demand

President Karzai said that one of the obstacles for the peace process in the country is Pakistan, and pointed to the two main demands of Pakistan from Afghanistan. First was the acceptance of so-called Durand line to be accepted as the border of the two countries that is not so strange issue. Second demand that seems so strange was the control of foreign affairs of the country by Pakistan, which is not a small issue.

It is not easy to struggle against the interfacial policy of Pakistan, with the cooperation of U.S. for Afghanistan. With the declaration of Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai as the president of the country, the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif congratulated President Ghani and invited him to Pakistan; on the other hand, Pakistan fired 19 missiles on Kunar Province in the same night, which show the weakness of Nawaz Sharif. In fact, the foreign policies of Pakistan about the Afghanistan, India, and Kashmir’s borders are controlled by ISI.

The policy of Afghanistan toward the Pakistan’s enmity against Afghanistan should be the priority of the new president; because, in the previous government the Afghan policy toward Pakistan was so weak. If the previous policy toward Pakistan is kept up and the Afghan Government count on the Pakistani government instead of Pakistani Army, Afghanistan will never get rid of the challenges caused by Pakistan.

The ongoing issues in Pakistan, in which Emran Khan and Taher Al-Qaderi asks the resignation of Nawaz Sharif, most of the analysts believe that it is supported by the military, and Nawaz Sharif is unable to struggle against it; so how the civilian government of Pakistan will be able to cooperate Afghanistan? The new Afghan Government has to ask the Pakistani Military Government either they ask the Afghan Government only the mentioned two demands, or there is anything else in addition to these two demands? So based on discussion with the Pakistan’s military government, the issue will be solved in an international level solution. But, still all these issues are based on Afghan-U.S. relationship, because Pakistan’s policy against Afghanistan are mainly based on the U.S. and U.K.’s cooperation.


Relationship with U.S. and the West

The recommendations of President Karzai to the new government are the recommendations of a person who had close relationship with U.S. and the West, a person who knows about the conspiracies of U.S. and the West in the country, a person who has stood up against them sometimes. These are the issues that if the new government does not consider them strictly, Afghans will miss the activities of U.S. and the West that they have done in last 13 years.

It is clear that U.S. never cooperated the sovereignty and military fields of Afghanistan. And there is always a secret behind their cooperation, and cooperated Afghanistan only for their own interests. The activities of U.S. and the West during last 13 years in Afghanistan clarified that all they do is only for their own interests and destruction of Afghans. But the most important aspect is that the West never wanted and will never have the desire to bring peace to Afghanistan.

Though the new Afghan President was involved in the Afghan Government since the Bonn Conference up to now, but the recommendation of President Karzai is an emphasize that he should never ignore it. As we know that the strict policy of Karzai’s Government did not bring any changes in U.S. policies in Afghanistan, so it will be difficult for the new government to change the U.S. policies in Afghanistan and transfer it to the condition in which it will deal with Afghanistan truthfully.

It is even more than enough for the new president of the country to think about the external hands in the election process and delaying it for six months, and who were the factors behind the closed doors that were inflaming the challenges in the process of election? U.S., NATO, and the Western country seek their own interests in the Afghan War, and their cooperation is only so-called cooperation and assistance and their main goals are much greater than that.

As currently U.S. officials speak about the signing of B.S.A. within one week, it prove that they underestimate the power of Afghan Officials, and use them only for the implementation of their own-interest plans in the future. If the new government accept their assistance and does not think beyond that, it will never have the ability to gain what the Afghan Nation want?

The End

President Karzai’s Recommendations to the new government

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