Independence, yesterday and today

Each nation has national glories. These shared glories are amongst the reasons that brings different tribal, ethnical, linguistic and religious groups together and consist a unite nation.

Independence is a great national glory, even USA which call herself as superpower in the world celebrates here independence from the UK each year.

Why the national glories must be save alive? Its major reason is to save the shared glories of a nation is to unite the nation with the heritage that the nation has. Since 95 years ago our ancestors gained the independence from Britain shows the relativeness of them to the same soil that we now live on.

From independence to freedom

The terms independence and freedom which are used sometimes for a same meaning are different from each other. Most believe that independence means freedom from being under rule of others.

But freedom is mostly referring to the nature of governing over the nation. In other words a nation is free when it achieves all the freedoms and the law defines the freedoms and be implemented. The country which is suffering from imposing terrors on and violence might have a sovereign state but is not free. Therefore we can say that freedom and independence are required by each other.

But each dictator regime use freedom and independence as a tool for repression of their opponents and accusation of them on relation with outsiders for violating the independence.

Against the repression policy another ideology also exists which consider the internal freedom and welfare more important rather than political independence from another state or country. In a collective meeting of Afghan analysts in the embassy of Britain in Kabul, one of the analysts expressed his regret on this issue and said: “the resistance and revolution of our ancestors against British Colonialism was revolution against evolution if it wouldn’t happen we would have been stronger economy that today’s Pakistan”.

Role of tyranny

The study of history of the third world especially Afghanistan shows that the history of this country was full of internal absolutism. The internal repressors used to shake hands with colonial powers in order to guarantee their stay in power.

Meanwhile the nation under the repressors who live under the power of colonials is however independent but is indirect as not freed and not independent. This is the state that Afghans were experiencing after their independence from Britain.

Independence and abstraction

Previously the opinionated rulers were trying to control social developments in the society in order to keep the nation quiet and rule them easily. This kind of repressor regimes were trying severance from the world and their pretext was saving the independence. For instance the travel for the people of eastern bloc during the cold war and also travel for Afghans during Zahir Shah and Daud Khan.

But today, because of widespread communication, non-country can stay in isolation. Good example can be isolation of Taliban regime and there severance which could not save the country from foreign interference. Saving the national sovereignty and independence is possible just in a collective governments and partnerships and it will let the people to feel possession of their country and scarify for that.

Thomas Carlile considers the Heroes as the builders of the history. However in social philosophy a single cause cannot be the doer of change in history; but this point will not be forgotten that the main events in the history is achievements of the leaders, elites and tribal elders, however themselves are also achievement of the society.

In Afghanistan also when the independence 95 years ago is being discussed, the name of his majesty Amanullah Khan is noted with the independence.

Today’s independence

After 2001 some of so called intellectuals tried to impose this belief on the people that independence as freedom of a foreigner rule term belongs to cold war era. Independence lost its classic meaning and now the world became a connected village and none of the countries can develop and grow without the cooperation of other especially powerful countries.

This interoperation of independence seems most deceptive, because the “dependency” and “rule” on the one hand and “relation” on the other are different terms. Free and independent nations are those who not losing their national interests in relations with others. National interest is a collection of tools schemes which protects nations against threats and challenges from outside.

Allama Iqbal in his poems calls Muslims to return to themselves, and believes that others rule and dependency could weaken the selfness and could strengthen the colonialism continuity and strength.

In Afghanistan all are agree today that the main cause of problems in Afghanistan is the lost trust on us, and therefore us always looking for aid and assistance. The foreign existence is the cause of this continuation and a roadblock against our return to ourselves. So until we are not out of this state and feel the celebration of this day will be just a programmatic event rather than a national glorious day.

Independence, yesterday and today

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