Is Motasim scarified for peace?

After one of the former Taliban leaders Mullah Aghaa Jaan Motasim, went missing under mysterious circumstances in UAE, the officials of UAE was ignoring the contacts to let know about his destiny.

However, now there are reports published that shows he has been released, but it raises some questions, that why Aghaa jaan Motasim traveled from Turkey to Dubai? And why he was detained there, what reasons are behind this scenario? Waheed Muzhda a political analyst has analyzed this issue:

Peace negotiations and demands of President Karzai from Taliban:

Striving for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan is not only difficult but dangerous as well. A few days back, an Afghan analyst General Ghulam Hossain Hazara was targeted, which shows that talking about peace will even have the threat of losing the life for some one. General Hazara insisted on peace with the armed opposition, but maybe he didn’t know that there is no will for peace untill the unclear future, and talking about peace is as swimming against the flow of water.

The disagreement over the security pact between president Karzai and the US, clarified that most welcoming phenomenon is war and bloodshed not the peace. America in response to the demand of the president Karzai to bring peace before signing the agreement, started peace negations with the opposition in mediatory of Qatar and Germany. America accepted to release five Talib prisoners from Guantanamo jail, and Taliban showed their will for releasing an American soldier, but suddenly the spokesperson to the Taliban said in a press release that due to “complicated political status of Afghanistan” they delayed the peace negotiations. Taliban believes that Americans use the peace process as a tool for achieving their goals in the war.

There were also some speculations that president Karzai in contact with Taliban told them not to put pressure on him for signing the security pact by continuing peace negotiations with America. Taliban realized the matter and called it as complicated political status of Afghanistan, and delayed the negotiation with America once again.

Deportation of Mullah Aghaa jaan from Turkey:

On the other hand, Afghan government started peace negotiations with a number of Taliban personalities under the leadership of Mula Agha Jan motasim, which was said that in this negotiation the former Taliban minister Mawlavi Abdulraqeeb also, participated. While soon after that he was shot and killed in Peshawar and Afghan government shifted his dead body to Takhar province to show that he wanted peace with Afghan government, but in fact Mawlavi Abdulraqeeb disjoined the process and also did not participate in the Dubai conference.

However the Taliban called the assassination of Mawlavi Abdulraqeeb as an act of their enemies, but some believes that there are some radical personalities within Taliban who denies any kind of contacts with the Afghan government and consider it as treason, and they are committed even to assassinate those who do so even if they are high ranking officials of Taliban.

It is said that Pakistan is behind such assassinations, but the question is if Pakistan have problem with such personalities in Afghan Taliban movement, why they physically treated Mullah Aghaa jaan and sent him to Afghanistan to raise up the voice of peace after he was shot. 

Mullah Aghaa jaan went from Kabul to Turkey and probably and office for Taliban might have got established, but the Turkish government did not show interest to that. It became more difficult for Aghaa Jaan when Taliban detained a helicopter and its passengers in Logar province which Turkish nationals were also amongst them.

Taliban released the Turkish prisoners soon after, which was not perhaps without conditions. Taliban wanted Turkey to deport Agha Jan from Turkey; therefore Turkey started creating problems for Aghaa Jaan and did not extend his visa.

On the other hand, it was difficult for the friends of Aghaa Jaan motasim to travel to Turkey and each time he had to come to Dubai to meet them.

Now, when the Afghan government claims that they are in contact with Taliban, going missing of Mullah motasim caused more clamor. Some of the reports said that he was kept under eye in his home but it seems not true, since he did not have a house over there and lived in Hotels, , but maybe they detained him somewhere.

Mullah Motasim’s matter a response to president Karzai’s measures:

According to the reports, the UAE police have not clarified the charges against Mullah Motasim. If he was detained for visa violation that would be a smaller offence, but in very particular situation, someone is being detained and it must have other reasons. 

But it seems that his detaining was not such a simple thing. In keeping in mind that America has influence on the UAE government, maybe it was a response to that measure of president Karzai that he wanted Taliban to stop peace negotiation with America.

Did Mullah Motasim meet someone who was in the blacklist of America or not and it became a pretext for America to want UAE officials to detain him? It is not yet clear

However, this issue shows once again that there is no plan for peace in the agenda and everyone who tries to make a step in this regard faces challenges and even threats to his life.

Is Motasim scarified for peace?

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