Afghanistan Peace Talks, from Doha to Dubai

Zakir Jalaly – Political Analyst

Mullah Agha Jan Motasim the Taliban’s Political Affairs Committee former head has published a press release regarding the Afghanistan’s peace process. Under the title of (Afghanistan Taliban Movement) instead of Taliban’s (Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan) he called for peace and reconciliation. He called on all parties in Afghanistan including the government to start peace negotiation. 

The High Peace Council (HPC) which enters to its fifth year of foundation called this press release as an opportunity; in the meantime, Afghanistan’s National Security Council (NSC) welcomed this announcement and considered it as position of Taliban. HPC also sent a delegation to Dubai, where the gathering took place, with the hope that they will meet the Taliban negotiators. Taliban or their representatives in Qatar office haven’t yet reacted to the HPC’s and NSC’s reactions.


High Peace Council and Repetitive Maneuvers

As predicted, the HPC was not even able to arrange a meeting with the lowest ranking political or military Taliban officials from the day it’s founded till today. They just publicized the news related to peace process but Taliban repeatedly rejected any kind of negotiation with this HPC or with Afghan government. They have called the government of Afghanistan US puppet and consider HPC as a US conspiracy. Spokespersons to the Taliban repeatedly rejected the HPC’s suggestions or claims regarding the resumption of peace negotiations between them and Taliban.

With regard to the US policies in Afghanistan the HPC’s repetitive attempts to separate Taliban in different parties. HPC tried to play a role in starting peace negotiation with Hizb-e Islami (Islamic Party) under the leadership of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The representatives of Hekmatyar’s Hizb-e Islami come to Kabul usually after speculation regarding the peace negotiation between the US and Taliban. Both HPC and Hizb-e Islami started political maneuvers while feeling isolated in peace negotiation which were conducting between US and Taliban representatives.

In early 2012 while the media focused on Taliban representatives in Qatar, the representatives of Mr. Hekmatyar traveled to Kabul to negotiate with Afghan government. Since Afghan government was not involved in Qatar process they warmly welcomed the delegation, and Mr. Karzai in his address the Parliament welcomed Hekmatyar’s peace-seeking intentions.

Agha Jan Group’s Role in Hezb-e Islami

Now as Hekmatyar’s Hizb-e Islami supported Qutbudden Helal in the upcoming presidential elections and negotiation with this party is not that much significant as they was before. The HPC entered in negotiations with Mullah Agha Jan Motasem group. In 2010 Motasim Agha Jan was targeted in Karachi of Pakistan and then with the help of Afghan government shifted to Kabul and eventually sent to Turkey for treatment. Mr. Motasim was head of political committee of Taliban a few years ago, but according to a press release of Taliban in 2010 he has been dismissed for allegation what they called as misuse of financial resources. Since being targeted in Karachi Mr. Motasim now lives in Turkey and occasionally publishes press releases about Afghanistan’s peace process. In his latest press release he mentioned about a gathering in Dubai in which other political and military leaders of Taliban also participated and insisted on restarting of peace negotiation process in Afghanistan. HPC in reaction to the press release sent a delegation under the supervision of Masoom Stanekzai, HPC Secretary to Dubai. It’s worth noting that the latest press release of Motasim has also been published on the High Peace Council official website.

As the election campaigns are getting hotter one hand and on the other hand repetitive failures of HPC in peace negotiation caused to start a game of 90th minute to at least let Mr. Karzai to have its credit against his opposition. But in fact Mr. Motasim has been separated from Taliban two years ago. Negotiation with this channel cannot help the peace process of Afghanistan and this council uses the crevice between Taliban and Agha Jan Motasim, therefore we can say that he is playing the role which was previously being played by Hekmatyar.

Why Peace Negotiations Fail?

When Afghan government realized that Taliban won’t negotiate with Afghan government or High Peace Council they tried to find an alternative. First Mr. Hekmatyar’s Hizb-e Islami played this role especially when Taliban opened Qatar office, and Mr. Karzai’s government and this party become isolated in this process. Qatar office brought hopes for lasting peace in Afghanistan but unfortunately in the very start of the opening Karzai’s opposition caused the office to be closed.

Unfortunately there is lack of political will for durable peace and security in Afghanistan. If Afghan government hadn’t opposed to Taliban’s Qatar office, at least the lack of Taliban’s address wouldn’t exist today. Karzai’s agreement with Qatar process could at least bring green light with the main Taliban movement. Karzai’s firm opposition to the Qatar process has led the government and HPC to knock the doors of unknown parties which will derive nothing but political and media gain.

Taliban’s Reaction to the Dubai Meeting

The details of Dubai meeting are still unknown, whether the Taliban militia commanders really participated it or not. The Taliban has rejected the meeting by publishing a press release. The press release states: “The Islamic Emirate once again announce to all parties that Motasim Agha Jan has no responsibility or job in Islamic Emirate nor can he represent us, as well as the Islamic Emirate considers the current acts against its principles and the goals of the Jihad and benefiting to US occupiers and their servants. The Islamic Emirate hasn’t held any meeting in Dubai nor did it negotiate with the puppet Kabul administration or the so called HPC.”

Taliban as usual have emphasized on Qatar office and called it the only office which can represent Taliban.

Afghanistan Peace Talks, from Doha to Dubai

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