Obama’s travel to Afghanistan and plans for withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan!


Barak Obama, the president of USA, without prior information to any Afghan high level authorities travel to Afghanistan. He requested the President of IRoA to meet him in one of the military bases “Bagram” but President Karzai rejected this offer and Obama returned back to his country without meeting any official of the country.

By reaching to his country, Obama announced that after the completion of military / war operations successfully only 9800 American troops will remain in Afghanistan. He added this number of forces will be reduced to 1000 by the end of 2016 in Bagram base.

  • How do you see President Obama’s visit to Afghanistan in accordance to international and diplomatic rules?
  • What was his purpose of visit?
  • What message did he have for Afghan officials?

The weekly analysis board of CSRS has analyzed the issue as following:

Obama’s visit to Afghanistan is against diplomatic rules and insults Afghan sovereignty:

What is the meaning of visit of one president of the country to another without meetings its high officials?  Is it justifiable for a president of a country to visit to host country without meeting its high officials in accordance to diplomatic and international rules and regulations?

This is not the first visit of American President to Afghanistan without an official announcement or notification but we are the witness of many visits like this in these last few years. Obama in the year 2011 in dark night appeared in Bagram Base and invited President Karzai for signing the strategic agreement between two countries.

Obama’s visit to Afghanistan and inviting President Karzai to meet him is not only against diplomatic & international rules but also very insulting to Afghanistan’s sovereignty and especially President Karzai himself. As Obama’s unannounced visit is against the diplomatic and international rules, the reaction of President Karzai for rejection of meeting him is also worth of appreciation and a good answer to American so called being in power.

The question arises that why words are not uttered against the illegal action of American? It is very surprising that the puppet media announced that Obama won’t meet Karzai but the reality is that this invitation was rejected by Karzai. The puppet media (American Supportive Media) wanted to show to Afghan nation that Obama didn’t want to meet Karzai not the reality that Karzai rejected his offer.

This was also one of the issues that made clear that most of the media is working in favor of America with the support of America. Truly, some of the media should have been stepped down by Afghan government but it clearly seems to be impossible for Afghans as majority of them are being supported by America.

Obama’s visit comes in a time when Afghan Cabinet (Ministers’ Council) had in their agenda to discuss the issue of recording of Afghan telephone calls by Americans which in not doubt is the violation of Afghan sovereignty. The installation of these networks are said to be the control of counter-narcotics inside Afghanistan, but the reality is something else. These kinds of situations can occur in countries like Afghanistan having no independence and now it is very clear that Americans will never have respect to the freedom and people’s privacy of Afghans.


The purpose of Obama’s recent visit to Afghanistan:

The purpose of Obama’s visit to Afghanistan is said to be tribute to American troops. But this is only the visible side of the visit but the reality is the visit of Afghanistan after two years in the very critical time where election of Afghanistan goes to the second round and Obama announces his plans for withdrawal of forces. 

Obama had a clear warning to both of the candidates. The message (warning) of White House to both these candidates was to recognize the independence of White House against Afghanistan and that Obama will be able to enter to Afghanistan at any time without informing & meeting any Afghan officials and can speak to its forces in a place that Afghans count them as their territory. It is mentionable that there are some rumors that Obama had a meeting with one of the candidates who counts the signing of agreement in his priority. 

However, Obama said his purpose was tribute to his troops in Afghanistan not the observation of security and military condition. He added in his address to his troops that the participation of Afghans in election and arranging security condition to them is the achievements of the presence of American troops.

If this security condition in real words is worth of appreciation then may God bless Afghans and Afghanistan!

The second pointed that Obama pointed in his speech was that Afghanistan won’t be an ideal land in the future and this shouldn’t be the responsibility of America. If this is like that then why Americans invaded Afghanistan in the year 2001 and promised (publicized) that they will make Afghanistan an ideal land for living. But now that they made their position strong in the region, shade the blood of many innocent Afghans, did all kind of crimes and didn’t respect the privacy of Afghans are saying that they won’t be responsible or in other words building Afghanistan is not their responsibility.   

When Americans came to Afghanistan they faced some of the realities of Afghanistan that they didn’t know and now regret their invasion. They came to this conclusion that their so called democracy, human’s rights, women’s rights and other similar issues didn’t give any food to them in Afghanistan. It is mentionable that most of these rules are violated by themselves. Americans based on their practices and activities that they have performed are obliged to leave Afghanistan and their announcement for withdrawal of forces after 2016 is the indicator of defeat in Afghanistan.

Withdrawal Plans of American Troops from Afghanistan:

Another purpose that Obama had in his trip was attraction of attention for Afghanistan. He promised his troops that their government will soon announce the withdrawal from Afghanistan; he added that war will end in Afghanistan and in reality he wanted to get his nation’s attention through this.

 He also added that Afghan forces are now able to defend their country and provided the ground for the presence of 9800 forces in Afghanistan. It is just because most of Congress members of USA were against this and wanted the further presence of American troops in Afghanistan.

Another point he added in his speech was that these troops will remain up to 2016 in Afghanistan and after that they will all leave. This means that Americans won’t have bases in Afghanistan but only one base. Before this in the draft of strategic documents, American wanted nine (09) bases from Afghanistan but now it seems from Obama’s words that there will be a single base in Afghanistan not nine which is hopeful for Afghanistan.

If Americans are honest in their words and leave truly Afghanistan at the end of 2016 and up to that time the peace process go honestly and a government which includes all Afghans come to power so we can say their won’t be any reason for internal war and fight in Afghanistan.

If Americans are honest it is very hopeful for Afghans but experience has shown that America was never honest and trusting Americans is not correct. Reaching of Americans to this point is just because the oppositions want the overall withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and if there resistances against Americans didn’t exist they would have announced these numbers of forces many years ago.

According to Obama, the implementation of this two year plan by White House is based on the agreement of signing the strategic document between Kabul Washington but this visit of Obama and the behavior of Americans showed that they don’t need the permission of Kabul for any kind of actions and don’t include Kabul in their decision. So it seems very clear that the issue of Afghanistan is a regional issue that Americans want to be here for long term illegally. This can be compared to the issue of Ukraine that Russians are expression to the West as reason.

Obama’s travel to Afghanistan and plans for withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan!

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