The Last Stand of the President against US

President Hamid Karzai in a recent interview with Washington Post has said that US is waging war in Afghanistan for their and the west benefits.

In the interview President Karzai has considered Al-Qaida as myth and added that terrorism and Al-Qaida has been created by the US for their benefits and the war in the name of them has only brought violence and killings to the nation.

He added that US has betrayed Afghanistan in the past twelve years and while its US’ war, but only Afghans gave their lives and those detained by the US are mostly innocent. According to him there is no reason for the ongoing war in Afghanistan and it is imposed on Afghan nation.

Mohammad Zubair Shafiqi the Editor in Chief of Wesa Daily has analyzed the issue in response to CSRS questions as follows:

A Political Game or Reality?

United States and its international allies entered Afghanistan almost a decade ago in order to bring peace and end war; but they created tragedies in all homes, and the war spread as undefined while no one knows its sides, values and consequences. Therefore as the president Karzai himself says, his current position against US is the result of his decade-long experience which shows his real dissatisfaction with US and the international community.

Hamid Karzai has expressed same kind of views few years ago in various private meetings, but the international community did not pay attention to him and now he discuss it openly; Those who consider it as a drama or political game are wrong and have their own objectives; because these sort of dramas do not give meaning in politics.

The people who say that why he didn’t publicly shared these realities earlier? The following few points should be noted:

  1. In first few years there was optimism no one could imagine that the international community would act this much insincerely and Karzai was misled believing that, that the US measures might be mistakes and would not be plans for occupation and destruction of Afghanistan and the region.
  2. In 2004 and 2005 when Karzai became sure about the deceit of US, he raised his objections on a diplomatic way and started complaining secretly in order to bring reforms.
  3. Since these objections did not had satisfactory results, he started criticizing them publicly after 2006 and 2007 and when it didn’t have a positive effect his criticism increased. Therefore we can say that his position is not new but his objections have increased compared to past.

What Message the President Wants to Convey?

As the president Karzai has openly said that Al-Qaida is a myth and the US uses it for their benefits and with its help they are fighting an undefined war, this way he wants to convey a message to Afghan nation.

US names someone as Al-Qaeda, conducts operations and say that they were Al-Qaeda members; everywhere they want to bring destructions they call it Al-Qaedia and the so called terrorist hide-outs, they haven’t defined friend or enemy. The aim of this undetermined war is to stay here for the long without objectives.

The suspicions of Hamid Karzai on the undetermined goals of US have reached to the level of belief and now he knows that US has betrayed Afghanistan, so he tries to fulfill his responsibility regarding Afghanistan.

Now as he in the interview with Washington Post said, he only has one way to raise his voice from media and press. Though we cannot neglect his weakness in creating a committed governmental team and his failure in not bringing together a patriot team, and his current team includes members that are opposed to his stance, but still he has fulfilled his responsibility to an extent.

The president of a country like Afghanistan, where the government has been established under the supervision of world community, and now criticizing publicly their dishonesty and says that US is waging war for their benefits in which Afghans give their lives. The nation must consider this message very important, and what he wants from the US such as defining the war, defining the enemy, respecting our national interest and being honest in peace process, all Afghans must support him.

Besides the nation the next president should also not abandon the raised voice for peace in the country. However it seems that all the candidates except one support signing Bilateral Security Agreement with US blindly and without any condition. If the next president understands his responsibilities towards future of the nation, it would be hard to neglect the raised voice for bringing peace, stopping night rides and destruction of the Afghan homes and scarifying Afghans for the benefits of US.

The Last Stand of the President against US

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